Thursday, 12 January 2017

Zones of Regulation

Throughout the day, we may experience a wide range of emotions.  Sometimes we may be tired, others times we may be happy, or excited.  These emotions fall under some colours, called Zones of Regulation.  We are learning to understand how we feel and what to do with these emotions.  There are 4 zones, the Red Zone, Blue Zone, Yellow Zone, and the Green Zone.  We are ready to learn in the Green Zone, and that is where we would all want to be.  Sometimes, we are not in the Green Zone.  We learned that even if we are in the other zones, it is ok, there are ways to help us get out of those zones.  For example, if you are in the Yellow Zone and are getting quite silly, you can take a deep breath and take a walk so that you can be ready to learn.  Which zone are you in?

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